In 2015, the powdered alcohol products have introduced to the market with approval by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) in the US. The launch hit a few obstacles in a number of states to prevent the marketing and the sale by banning the related products. With the increased availability, many alcohol experts had called out to the authorities to tighten the regulations on powdered alcohol products.
With the complexity in legislations, the discrepancy was noticeable by the different states and the concern was raised to the federal level to determine the gap in the approval process. Upon the review, FDA applied the regulations to the product and found no clear regulations to be against the market of powdered alcohol products, focusing on the non-alcohol additives. However, this did not stop the bans on such products in 12 states including Alaska, Washington, Utah, etc. On top of those 12 states, three states applied temporary bans, including Maryland, Minnesota, and South Carolina.
The concern the powdered alcohol products mainly related to the high concentration of the alcoholic content. It is unknown and immeasurable the outcomes when the powder is mixed with other categories of drinks. As well as the restrictions currently on alcohol drinks, powdered alcohol could easily be carried out than alcohol bottles. The reasons were immensely raised, and the authorities were concerning the reversibility of its course once the products were commencing their ways to the markets and the consumers.
The authorities indicated the product category would continuously under supervision for the safety of the consumption.