Millennials and Their Impacts

Millennials, as known as Generation Y, are everyone who is between the age of 24 and 39 as of now. The relevance in this age gap is they are becoming the mainstream in the workforce, which may build and lead the foreseeable future of industry presently. In 2020, this age group including all genders is entering and taking 20% portion of the whole labour force participation.
The generational shift affects greatly on industry trends to advance and innovate. The impacts of the millennial generation are remarkably rippled considering technology, workforce, and globalization. The consumer market is tech-driven, and eCommerce-driven, which stands out uniquely with all the past generation.
The drives in the pattern of Millennial’s industry trend and spending thrive are still taking shape as a series of significant events have taken place and emulates what traditional patterns continue ahead. What the logistics industry can do is staying adjustable and informative to any curved ball future may throw.
18 Wheels Logistics adapts to the initiative and cultivates the changes. We are preparing for the generation of Millennials whether they are customers or team members. Our core competency is to move with the future in logistics, trucking, warehousing, and copacking.