Cultivating High Performance and Successful Teams

Generational changes bring about shifts in traditional management practices, especially in the 3PL and distribution industry. Over the course of a few decades we can see a slow but prominent move towards a more inclusive and open leadership style. The following are a few practices to help drive team performance and cultivate success in the workplace.
- ​Value the Matrix: Encourage your team to grow their network of partners and stakeholders. Individuals that gain knowledge about the business become valued partners and can help in times of organizational distress.
- Talk to Your Team: Staying connected is crucial to establish trust within teams, peers, and stakeholders. Communication will facilitate a healthy culture and increase team performance
- Listen to the Experts: Your team members work hard to learn about the issues and objectives they specialize in. Get their advice and give them the opportunity to shine by letting them lead.
- Welcome Healthy Conflict: It’s our natural tendency to run away or bury arising conflict. However, respectful conflict can help establish trust and encourage teams to be creative in finding solutions. Team members can learn that they can disagree without fear of reprimand and that their opinions are valued.
- Celebrate Success: When things go well – celebrate! Support teams by appreciating their hard work and success.
Based in Vancouver, British Columbia, 18 Wheels Logistics implements these principles to be the best warehousing, trucking, and co-packing company. When businesses put forth these efforts, team members will feel valued and feel motivated to contribute to the success of your company. Your success will be their success!