
Food & Drink

Food & Drink Articles

The Impact of 3PL on Alcohol and Beverage Logistics in the Vancouver Market
Navigating alcohol and beverage logistics can be a tough job, as the path from production to consumer is riddled with intricate regulations, temperature control demands, and timing constraints. For many years, beverage and drink businesses had to do this all on their own, which led to delays and roadblocks.
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Navigating Beverage Distribution Complexities with 3PL Services
Beverage storage, packaging, and distribution is not just about moving goods from one place to another. It’s a complex operation that entails maintaining optimal temperatures, adhering to regulations, and ensuring efficient handling of returns.
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How 3PL Food Grade Warehousing is Transforming Food Distribution
Food-grade warehousing has always been a critical cog in global supply chains, but for many decades, these facilities were often owned and operated by a single company.
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Choosing the Right Beverage Warehouse Logistics Provider in Toronto
Choosing the Right Beverage Warehouse Logistics Provider in Toronto Is a Difficult Process. But If You Follow These 4 Steps, It Will Be Much Easier.
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The Benefits of Using a Third-Party Logistics Provider for Beverage Warehousing in Toronto
What Are The Benefits of Using a Third-Party Logistics Provider for Beverage Warehousing in Toronto? Read Here to Find Out.
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What to Do About Food and Beverage Waste in a Warehouse?
Wondering What to Do About Food and Beverage Waste in a Warehouse? Get expert tips for how to manage and minimize food and beverage wastes here.
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Are There Specific Warehousing Regulations for Food Safety?
Are There Specific Warehousing Regulations for Food Safety? Yes, it is important to follow warehousing food safety regulations or there will be consequences.
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What Are the Basic Warehousing Requirements For a Food Manufacturer
What are the basic warehousing requirements for a food manufacturer? A food manufacturer needs to have effective storage space, packaging equipment, and traceability measures. In this blog post, we will look at some of the basic requirements of a food manufacturing warehouse.
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Fine wine is surprisingly sensitive - therefore, you need to transport and store it with care. Many people associate the name of fine wine with the tasty alcoholic beverage made from fermented grapes. It is one of the most nuanced, complex, and diverse drinks in the world. However, it is also one of the most challenging to transport.
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Moving Spirits Without Disturbing Them
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
The suppliers, logistics operators, and direct carriers all need to be following the plan accurately. When it comes to moving spirits, the key is to move them quickly and prevent them from losing their properties during transportation. But few people are capable of doing this starting out. So where do you begin?
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Does Transportation Affect The Taste Of Beer
Many variables affect the taste of beer. A good beer has an intricate balance of yeast, hops, and malt, brewed under careful conditions to produce the desired taste. Brewmasters in recent years have been experimenting with all sorts of novel flavours, and microbreweries are cropping up all across North America. Whether it’s from downtown or across the country, nearly all beer gets transported before consumption, so it’s an important question: does transportation affect the taste of beer?
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The choices are not easy when it comes to select “the” 3PL provider to expand your business. Undoubtedly, the first choice will always be seeking the well-known or larger-scaled 3PL in the industry as it would seem like they can offer better rates and resources. On the other hand, when your business just starts to grow, so you are looking for that flexibility and smaller required volume to start the partnership.
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Marks & Spencer Renamed Its Canned Martini
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
M&S’s launched cocktail martini had raised concern by the renowned UK alcohol watchdog, the Portman Group, in 2018. The canned martini was called “Porn Star Martini” that linked to promoting sexual context. Although no explicit mean was displayed on the packaging, but consumers might misinterpret and confound the brand by stereotyping its connection to porn.
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Lyrebird is an Australian bird that is capable of imitating possibly any sound including the human voice, chainsaws, car engines, etc. Mark Livings launched the brand Lyrebird to reflect the line of products mimicking some of the classical alcohol spirits with its non-alcohol base.
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The manufacturers of low to no alcohol beverages are recognizing the standing point when they launch the products to go against all the traditional beer, spirits, and wine. With a large ambition, manufacturers and brewers painstakingly put together the boldest recipes to create innovative and attractive drinks.
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While underaged drinking is frowned upon, it does not mean people are restricting themselves from doing it. The research team from Boston University School of Public Health claims the first study to obtain figures in different fields regarding underage alcohol consumption. The poll is based on over one thousand teenagers who are consuming alcohol within a thirty-day time span.
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Uprising Market of Low Alcohol Wine
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Many alcohol consumers consider low and no alcohol beverages as an alternative to the originals, but according to a report in Australia and New Zealand, the newly established category is appealing to be a luxury as the industry is maturing and showing promises.
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American Heart Association recorded a study that was conducted in Sweden starting in 1967 and a study result after forty-three years. Heavy drinking consisted of two or more drinks a day and the study was targeting the heavy consumption when the participants were in their mid-aged years. Over eleven thousands people were traced at the beginning of the study and had a follow-up again in 2010.
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In 2014, a team of innovative university team in Spain had unfolded a new way to infuse beer extractions into alcohol-free beverages to enhance the aroma. At the University of Valladolid, the team experimented to extract three scented components: ethyl acetate, isobutyl alcohol, and isoamyl acetate from a 5.5% ABV and a 6.5% ABV regular beers.
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A UK study on alcohol consumption between the ages of sixteen to twenty-four years old had shown a substantial decrease in the year 2005 and the year 2015. The research was based on the study of ten thousand people based on their alcohol consumption over ten years concluding in the year 2018.
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Top Five Popular Alcohol Brands In China
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
With the opening of world trades, North Americans can easily obtain traditional alcohol drinks from overseas which is a privilege for adventurous alcohol consumers. Let us look at some Chinese-made alcoholic beverages that are valued to be in the top list.
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Now the brand is renamed “Free Rain”, but originally the founder, Colin McCabe wants to give the beverage the name “Trip”. Due to potential misinterpretation of the product which might hint at the consumers, the founder was forced to give it another thought.
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RTD beverage is an uprising alcohol category that breaks record in growth and sale numerous times in the industry, which seems to shine a bright future for US hard seltzer manufacturers to lean on. Alcohol sparkling water enters the US market and has intensified the market by storm obtaining positive feedback from consumers. Mike’s hard sparkling water, a vodka-based citrus alcohol drink, plans to make an entrance to the UK’s market by AB InBev.
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The Hard Seltzer Market In The UK
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
The impact of ready-to-drink beverages made in the US alcohol market is immense. Therefore, the manufacturers intend to bring the $550 million products to the UK market and envision to grow the premature industry to be worth over 20 billion dollars in two years.
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Drinking Culture Is Sang Out
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
The pop song culture in the US has an enormous influence on the mind and the behavior of young people nowadays. Monkey see monkey do. The music industry fully converges the drinking culture and the alcoholic context into songs and lyrics which is neglecting the repercussion it brings to the young crowd. Public health authorities in the US are evaluating the proper practice of any alcoholic references in pop songs nowadays and determining the concern should be raised.
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The Portman Group, a self-regulatory in the UK alcohol industry is running under the funding of eight alcohol companies to advocate and facilitate social responsibility. In 2019, the group upholds a complaint against the manufacturer – The Bearded Brewery, regarding the naming and packaging on one of their 7.8% ABV cider - “Suicyder”. The association has received from a public consumer that the name and the logo are deemed irresponsible of their apparent attach to suicide.
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A skepticism was raised in the alcohol industry when the New Zealand government invested about sixteen million dollars in the sub-category of lower alcohol wines. New Zealand is deemed to produced exalted grape juice hence the wide production of wine. The amount of funding the NZ government pours into the industry prompting the consumer market to wonder if it is worth it. Why are they so sure about the low alcohol, low-calorie wine?
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Dry January was first initiated in the UK to host a world-wide alcohol-free month to promote healthy choices in drinking culture. In 2021, the Dry January hit a world record of 6.5 million people participating in the movement. Amongst the challenges, low to no alcohol drinks become a great luxury for alcohol consumers to take part in the movement with a wide range of alternative drinks to choose from.
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With the subsequential launches of powdered alcohol products, ready-to-drink, and low to no alcoholic beverages, the consumers are certainly being educated to choose wisely according to personal health and taste preferences. The alcohol industry is aiming high on a line of extensive products other than traditional beer and wine. The brewery certainly attempts to cultivate more choices for alcohol beverage consumers to choose from.
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The worldwide trend in the alcohol industry does not slow down for the consumer market. Many countries that are leading in alcohol brewing have been stirring up new products eager for their customers to try.
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A complaint has filed against Colorado High CBD gin in the UK recently, relating to the content displayed with connecting an illegal drug and the implication of potential therapeutic effect. The UK’s alcohol industry watchdog, The Portman Group, recently advocates against the distillery, Silent Pool, when a concern raises due to an ambiguous connection between cannabis and CBD.
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The raising of crossed-categorized infusion in the alcohol industry creates many formidable concerns by the authorities continuously. The panel speaks to manufacturers regarding ingredient usage, packaging and labeling, marketing, and promoting. In the case of “Colorado High”, CBD is advised to be displayed as an ingredient, as opposed to the implication on its therapeutic qualities.
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The Budding Low and No Alcohol Industry
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
A new category in alcoholic beverages can be exciting and enticing for regular alcohol consumers. In recent years, the low to no alcohol industry has been spreading its variances in the competition between carbonated drinks and alcoholic beverages. The new experience and the new concept offer as an extra category in between which continues to show promising figures in sales.
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Powdered Alcohol and The Regulation
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
In 2015, the powdered alcohol products have introduced to the market with approval by the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) in the US. The launch hit a few obstacles in a number of states to prevent the marketing and the sale by banning the related products. With the increased availability, many alcohol experts had called out to the authorities to tighten the regulations on powdered alcohol products.
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To further the top on powdered alcohol products, the category has been controversial to the consumer markets as opposed to the manufacturers since the beginning. A poll was conducted in 2015 following the launch of powdered alcohol products by the University of Michigan because several states decisively placed bans on all related products in Vermont, South Carolina, and Louisiana upon its initial launch.
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Does Caffeine Really Ease Up The Alcohol?
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
It has been the culture to consume coffee or tea after alcohol consumption to ease up the aftermaths. However, several pieces of research show differently based on the neurological effects published on Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. The review includes a total of nine pieces of research on the effects of mixing caffeine and alcohol.
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Juicebox For Kids Or For Adults?
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
The renowned UK Watchdog – The Portman Group, has warned the freshly launched brand Juicebox to redesign their appeal of an image of the sun, piles of oranges with the name of “Juicebox” can easily attract children to mistake the alcoholic drinks with an orange drink.
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Can Alcohol Intake Do Any Good To Health?
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Previously, several risks have been identified under the influence of alcohol intake. It is unquestionably alcohol has a negative impact on the health than it can benefit from. Nevertheless, it does not necessarily mean it does not carry any benefit at all.
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The Low and No Alcohol Markets In India
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
The rising trend of low-alcohol and no-alcohol beverages has spread its initiation to the worldwide market. In Asia, India has subsequently revised and tightened the constitutes for the alcohol market, which has planted a bumpy road ahead for the alcohol industry.
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Low-alcohol beers are launching in Thailand and creating a fuss to the local related authorities to revise the taxes collecting across the categories by different ABV levels. The local Finance Ministry, Health Ministry, and Excise Department are proposing to increase taxes on low-alcoholic beer as a middle category between non-alcoholic beverages and alcoholic drinks.
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In 2019, the Food Safety Authority in India enforced a new set of rules for alcohol manufacturers to follow in labeling, specifically the mandatory warning fixates to all alcoholic products. The obligatory label bylaw was initially proposed one year earlier to all alcohol manufacturers to prepare for the launch.
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The Inauguration of Morning Recovery
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Morning Recover, a drink in a shot-glass volume container that claimed to mitigate the aftereffect of alcoholic intake. Many brands in a similar category were marketing in retails but it was safe to say none of the manufacturers really stood out to be monopolized in the market.
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Market Research On Alcohols
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Market research has normally provided the volume during peak and ono-peak seasons for better prediction on the sales. However, the past analysis turns out to be inaccurate since leisure drink has become part of daily routines.
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The Launch of Alcohol-Free Budweiser
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
At the end of 2017, Budweiser launched the first alcohol-free beverage – Budweiser Prohibition Brew. The trend of low to no alcohol beverages has widespread its eligibility to general consumers, setting a shocking sale of eighteen million liters in the first year in the UK. In the second year, the sale in the category has gone up seventeen percent.
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Alcohol And Breast Cancer
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
The Washington University School of Medicine previously conducted research to establish the relationship between alcohol and breast-related diseases correspondingly in a later stage of life. The leading professor of the study indicated that the study is to raising concern about heavy drinking patterns in college students’ and young adults’ lives.
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Pairing Between Food and Alcohol
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Scientists have been researching the chemistry in the human brain when food and alcohol are pairing and establishing the “Aperitif Effect”. The reaction occurs when the consumer intakes the alcohol after food consumption, the brain generates chemistry activity that rewards a certain pleasure.
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With TVs being the most important entertainment source in the modern world, children are watching and educating through whichever programs on display. A report from Alcohol Concern in the UK shows that children are exposed to alcohol more frequently on TVs or other social media sources in an alarming state.
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Do You Know What Is Inside Energy Drinks?
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Marketing and sponsorship of sports events certainly prove that energy drink products successfully enter the consumer market, especially teenagers and young adults. Regulations and legislation have been unclear on the labeling, packaging, and advertising of the consumer section. The abated trend alarms the market study to realize consumers’ unawareness of what is the ingredient containing in different drinks.
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Since no coherent knowledge has previously been provided by legislation, WSTA begins to collaborate with breweries in order to facilitate better branding and naming. The proper guideline following by the manufacturers will display clear administration and avoid misconceptions to the consumers. The alcoholic beverages that fall into the defined categories are designated to be 1.2% ABV or lower.
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USACM Renames To American Cider Association
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
On December 31st, 2019, The United States Association of Cider Makers officially changed its name to American Cider Association under the influence of rising demand for flavored malt beverages. The US cider market was showing promising figures between 2017 and 2019, but a sudden decrease in the last quarter of 2019 posed that trendy consumers’ shift of interests away from ciders.
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The Definition of “Alcohol Free”
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
What is considered in the UK as “alcohol-free” is still debatable. Presently, the “alcohol-free” drink must be below 0.5% ABV in Europe, but it is classified to be 0.05% ABV or below in the UK. The UK is therefore aiming to purposely revise the discrepancy as low alcohol beverage’s popularity soars in the consumer market and the conflict may cause any misinformation to the public.
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The alcoholic beverages industry enters a new era of consumer marketing strategy to attract a bigger portion of consumers to notice alcoholic drinks.
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The New Era Of RTD Alcoholic Drinks
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
The pandemic certainly makes a huge impact on how each distinct industry heads in the consumer market, and certainly make the RTD alcoholic beverage market the star in 2020. The trend capitalizes its customer sector from the beer and wine consumers. Many major brewers have sought the possibility to extend the RTD segment and offer their customers an extensive range of flavors and choices. There are six components contributing to the uprising RTD alcoholic beverage market.
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A new year has arrived, and many people wish that the new year would bring new energy, however, the sign of coronavirus spreading does not seem to slow down. However, after more than 12 months of facing an unprecedented challenge, every industry seems to be recovered in some ways to survive in the current state.
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Statistics are showing a whopping forty-three percent increase this year in global RTD alcohol growth when market research expressed a depreciation in the prior year. The leading brand Brown-Forman records its Jack Daniel category has exceeded expectation significantly. The company has been doing exceptionally well that it has acquired Part Tim Rangers, a newly established New Zealand company to expand its spirit-based division.
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The alcoholic beverage trend certainly shifts significantly in recent years, including the preferences of each individual market in Canada. Two university undergrads discover their ways into alcohol entrepreneurship, fascinated by the brewing industry during their first employment at a local craft cidery.
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Annual USA Spirit Ratings
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Each year, breweries and distilleries are gathering to announce their proudest creation. Over forty-five countries compete in the fiercest competition in USA spirits and with no surprise, the USA, Mexico, and the UK are the top countries, along with Whiskey, Gin, and Vodka being the top categories.
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The Discretion on Alcohol Transportation
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Most logistics and transportation industries know that transporting alcohol requires a lot more works than transporting other categories of goods, especially in British Columbia. The logistics process is distinct from other sectors of the market whilst still sharing some similitude in general.
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In Vancouver, British Columbia, the food sector is the delicate portion of consumer products carrier are specifically careful with. The standards in choosing a 3PL supplier are strict and intricate. Whilst the standards for food-graded logistics and transportation are strict, the 3PL warehousing provider needs to have a scale-up management system.
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Cold Storage Solution
by Michael Kotendzhi | Warehousing, Food & Drink
Withholding the strict health protocol from the Government of Canada, Vancouver cold storage providers have provided more services to the crossdocking customers while their perishable goods are in the adequate temperature range to prevent spoilage.
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Hungry for Authentic Food: Vancouver
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Vancouverites are getting very picky and questionable about the authenticity in the food consumer market since the import becomes globalized and it is possible to eat pineapples all year round or the prickly pears only grown in Mexico. Compared to twenty years ago, traditional food from all over the world has advanced its passage into Vancouver supermarket and across Canada and become a necessity.
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Pet Food Safe In Logistics Industry
by Michael Kotendzhi | Logistics, Food & Drink
The care and the quality in providing for pets have been brought up to another level as they are considered a member of the family in Vancouver, British Columbia. The pet food market has therefore stricken the regulations and quality-controls to meet with the same standards as human consumption, as well as the commitment during transportation for pet food through cargos and trucking.
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Millennials, as known as Generation Y, are everyone who is between the age of 24 and 39 as of now. The relevance in this age gap is they are becoming the mainstream in the workforce, which may build and lead the foreseeable future of industry presently. In 2020, this age group including all genders is entering and taking 20% portion of the whole labour force participation.
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The prosperous consumer market in Vancouver, British Columbia shows momentum in reaching peaks and reflects greatly on the housing market in the past two quarters. All numbers show in paradoxical figures from the market prediction that is shocking to the world. Even though the statistic shows a positive 30% growth in real estate for Vancouver, why the consumer goods remain non-competitive to the prices in USA retailers?
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Let us be honest, there is not a lot of carriers that are temperature-controlled and offering Less-Than-Truck Load in Vancouver, British Columbia. The operating cost for a refrigerated/heated truck is not considered low, and the LTL operation takes a skillful of talent to arrange. On top of that, the profit margin of LTL logistics is not high, to begin with.
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Multi-culture and diversity have become the signatures for Vancouver, British Columbia. Every aspect of people’s daily life has tasted some oriental influences since immigration from overseas starts. By 2020, Chinese New Year has officially made its robust entrance for Canadian people to celebrate. It is set differently according to the Lunar Calendar every year. 2021 is the Year of Ox and it is on Friday, February 12th, but how does this festival have impacted the supply chain industry?
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Sweet Takes Away Every Pain
by Michael Kotendzhi | Food & Drink
Not metaphorically but literally, who does not like to have a bit of sweet at the end of a meal or the end of a day? Confectionery is considered one of the must-haves in daily life because it sweetens the day up no matter you have a good day or a bad day. Market Research records the largest chocolate confectionery retention in 2020, which does not sound so surprising considering the COVID-19 drags around most of the year.
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It could not be emphasized enough that all businesses in modern society involve some logistics aspect in daily operation, especially amid the pandemic. In Vancouver, British Columbia, businesses are trained to envision proactively with all the operating aspects, but who would predict an unprecedented emergence? An effective supply chain can not predict a pandemic, but it surely can help to lower the risk.
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A 3PL provider can offer customized options for the businesses depending on the type of operation and the marketing strategy. The two most common kinds of packaging in the logistics market are factory packing and customer packing. What are the differences and why they are important?
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Within the intensive time of facing the pandemic, small businesses often encounter critical decisions that may potentially lead to demise. Every step of operation may be influential to the consequence. How does an executive manage to smooth creating a plan amidst a crisis?
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After a giant leap in 2020, all the e-commerce businesses to show and prove they are holding up the supply chain on the West Coast of Canada, the operation appears to be matured enough to adjust. What improvements can be foreseeable to anticipate trajectory?
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The pandemic has driven movement to happen. One of them is online retailing. In Vancouver, British Columbia, the store retails are failing to survive through the pandemic and the reasons are simple. Constant revolving of government restrictions, safety protocol, and factory shortages are all accountable for being the biggest factors in the past 14 months.
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Opening a bottle of champagne to celebrate the arrival of 2021 is undeniably the best salute to say goodbye to 2020. Alcoholic beverages are more involved in the daily life of the people in Vancouver, British Columbia. Warehousing and distribution services can be a great impact on the alcohol industry.
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With the inauguration of COVID-19, the supply chain in Vancouver, British Columbia has been stricken with limited logistics sources. The scarcity and the unavailability have caused the businesses unable to keep up with the demand. The pinch in the supply chain has caused the public to panic even more.
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2020 is undoubtedly crowned “The Year of the Century” when all businesses feel the most struggling. Words like unprecedented, survival, challenges, and impacts are frequently appearing in daily life for the whole globe. Needless to say, the lives involving personal and work have completely shifted to another stage where people never acquaint before.
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21st Century is the century people focus on innovating the options of maneuver through daily life with a better energy assumption. Entering the new era of sufficiency, businesses in transportation and logistics act predominantly toward environmentally friendly because it lays heavily on energy. Here in Vancouver, British Columbia, there is no exception.
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The average consumer does not purchase groceries and think of possible food adulteration. However, economically motivated food fraud is a very real issue that could be detrimental for consumer loyalty and overall health. There are instances where companies will add items to their products to illegally expand the volume of their shipments. It goes beyond additives, food fraud also includes adding dye to manipulate color and substituting ingredients of poorer quality.
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Pet Food Protocol for 3PL Providers
by Michael Kotendzhi | Logistics, Food & Drink
As many individuals consider their pets as part of the family, it’s no question that they would be concerned about the quality of their diet. Pet food manufacturers, retailers, and 3PL partners must have confidence in their practices that will protect the integrity of their food at all points of the supply chain. Below we’ll take a look into characteristics pet suppliers to look for in a 3PL partner:
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Food and beverage companies are expected to move products quicker than ever before, while simultaneously abiding my strict food industry regulations. In order to keep up with these demands, you can partner with a successful 3PL provider throughout your supply chain. Below, we will assess quality traits to look for in a refrigerated truck provider.
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Millennials are an ever-growing force in the workplace, taking on crucial roles in virtually every industry. However, many have a differing perspective from preceding generations on the way they regard the workplace and their roles within it.
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Food Grade Standards
by Michael Kotendzhi | Warehousing, Food & Drink
Storage is a crucial pillar of the food supply chain that can ultimately impact both product quality and customer satisfaction. Warehouses must make extensive efforts to ensure they are up to code for operations. If proper health and sanitation procedures aren’t put in place, it can result in bacterial, fungi, rodent, or pest problems. The following are four principles for proper food grade storage:
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Beverage Destruction Capabilities
by Michael Kotendzhi | Logistics, Food & Drink
In order to execute successful beer and beverage destruction, a company must partner with a successful 3PL provider that has the necessary knowledge, equipment, and resources. Working with an experienced provider will help your company through this process with ease and efficiency.
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Qualities to Look for in a Food Warehousing Provider
A food warehousing provider is much more than a company who provides space for products. The goal and purpose is to be a company that will help protect the integrity and quality of goods in every step of the supply chain. A few core characteristics for optimal food warehousing partners.
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The Real Value of Third Party Food and Beverage Logistics
17% of manufacturing shipments come from the food and beverage processing industry, they make up 2% of the GDP in Canada. Most of those processors depend on 3PL food and beverage logistics. Why do more companies choose third party food and beverage logistics? The answer is value Cost savings are always at the top priority for any business. Logistics plays a tremendous role in cost savings. Having a professional firm manage your food and beverage logistics delivers cost-savings and value
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Properly Packaging and Transporting Produce
It is estimated that food and beverage processing accounts for almost 20% of total manufacturing shipments. Food and beverage logistics is a huge deal for many companies. From warehousing and distribution services to wheels logistics tracking, there is a lot to decide. Ultimately, when it comes to food and beverage logistics though, safety and reliability are the end goals.
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From Farm to Factory to Your Plate The Role of Logistics
Did you know that the food and beverage processing industry accounts for seventeen percent of total manufacturing shipments and two percent of the national gross domestic product? As you can see, this industry plays a major role in our lives. And food storage and transportation should not be taken lightly. The quality of our fruits, grains, vegetables, and beverages influences our health and wellbeing, after all. Luckily, food grade logistics companies exist for this exact reason.
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 3 Benefits Of Outsourcing Food Product Shipping Services
The trucking industry has become vital to the North American economy, with Mexico, Canada, and the United States relying upon 18 wheeler trucks to transport a variety of products. Ultimately, this has made trade between the nations easier in many ways. The trucking industry itself also provides a variety of different jobs, and in Canada alone, it is worth over $65 billion and employs over 260,000 drivers and 400,000 employees.​
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How Does Truck Refrigeration Work?
When food and beverages arrives at small grocery stores, chains, and other vendors, it’s fresh and ready to go for the consumer. But have you ever wondered how it remains so fresh, despite the long journey? Advancements in technology have made a huge impact — we’ve come a long way compared to how we stored food in the past.​ To learn more about the food grade logistics, truck refrigeration, and warehousing, read on.
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